Sergio Bachelet


When the summer ends, there’s always a
sense of loss. A woman travels through the memories of her past summers
hoping to find her lost love, or maybe herself.

“L’estate è finita – Appunti su Furio” (2022), directed by Laura Samani, was premiered at the Trieste Film Festival and presented at the Unarchive Found Footage Fest 2023.

Out now - On Spotify

30.07.2023 Palazzo Mauro De André

It is a pleasure/emotion/honor to collaborate with Stefano Bollani as orchestrator! Last Friday with the Filarmonica Toscanini, in Palazzo Mauro De André (Ravenna), there was a beautiful concert, part of which was the result of my orchestration. The orchestra was conducted by Kristjan Järvi!

shortfilm by Federico Russotto

“For the music’s ability to adhere to the images and enhance their dramaturgical value. For the refinement and originality of the timbres and compositional invention. The music seems to directly spring from the images, making the story both homogeneous and richly evocative.”

 Ciociaria, early ‘50s. A young farmhand is recruited to participate in Miss Italia selections, but her body measurements are not quite right for the contest. To undergo a terrible process of physical transformation seems to be the only way to be elected Reginetta.

“Reginetta” (2022), directed by Federico Russotto, was granted the Best Technical Contribution Award by the International Film Critics’ Week, at Venice Film Festival.


Out now - On all available platforms

I composed the original sountrack for the new short film by Laura Samani! Here we are with the super-team

I had the opportunity to work on two feature films with two brilliant directors

I’m 1 of the 4 composers selected for the Talent Village at the international Les Arcs Film Festival (France).
I will be in the French Alps with composers, directors, producers from all over Europe from 9th to 13th december!

Short Film

The original soundtrack was awarded at Festival Creuza De Mà – Musica per Cinema!

Aureliano e Simone seem to belong to different planets. They don’t speak much, their common language is fencing. With each lunge they will test their talent and loyalty.

“L’avversario” was nominated for the Student Academy Awards 2022!

Several award winners student films have gone on to significant achievement as filmmakers, including Robert Zemeckis, Bob Saget and Spike Lee.
